Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Happiness equation

Happiness = add what-you-have, subtract what-you-want.

this little equation was put forth by an old friend from high school, Tirta.
by this formula, there are several routes to be happy. If you can't add what you have then take away as much as you can on what you want. if you can't subtract what you want, then you'd better add what you have.

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010



These are the basic formula Winston Churchill used in all his famous speeches. it's a... one heck of a way... to hmmm.. write.
I tried hmmm... well maybe not hard enough, to follow his example. but from the looks of it, i still need a lot of practice.

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010


this is the word that has been tossed around quite a lot like an over cooked pancake by my client lately.
I looked it up on the dictionary last night just for fun and it turns out it actually means irritability, nervousness and being tense. Now I may not be a marketing director or something like that, but from the sound of it... it's not something that I want to throw at my customer or make them perceive me as such.

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Time heals just about anything

Indeed it does.

That is why I love to let things just slide and time to just fly whenever I feel pain. Usually it wouldn't take much, a couple of hours to several day depending on the source of pain.

For those pains that seems too painful to ever heal, with time you will be numb. So even if the pain, and its source is still there at least you wouldn't be able to feel it.

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Importance is as important as you make it

My wife said something tonight about the importance of writing these learning that hurt me quite deeply. It was actually just passing comment, blurted during one of her many sulking moments, which has become quite regular as her pregnancy progresses. Still, the word somehow cut a little too much out off my pride.
Now I’m not the kind of person who is easily offended but tonight I was, by an issue of importance. For someone who doesn’t think himself as important, the issue of importance is important. Well, maybe the fact that the comment came from my wife who I expect to take me as important helped the matter escalate somewhat.
Now think about all those important people, like those who called themselves the representatives of the people, all those ministers who claimed to serve the people, all those celebrity.
No wonder they got zinged quite easily. Their importance must have brought them to think that everything about them is important and cannot be criticized much less questioned about its importance.

Knowing about not knowing is the worst kind of knowledge

I’m not the most intelligent or the most knowledgeable person in the office, much less the entire nation, world or the universe. So obviously, there are so many things that I don’t know about. And the fact that there are many things that I don’t know about never really bothered me much.
But watching the movie “Changeling” on the HBO tonight makes me wonder about those things that I know I don’t know.
The movie tells the story of a mother who was looking for her son. Until the very end, her knowledge that she didn’t know what happened to her son kept her going and hopping and believing that her son is still alive.
And now it gets me thinking about all those things I know I don’t know like… where in the hell did I left my red Zippo lighter?
It’s not like you forget something. Cause when you forget something; you’d rake through your brain and find a grey or blackened area. Something is there, but you just can’t make heads or tail of it.
But when you know you don’t know, you’d rake through your brain and find a hole, a void that is just empty. Cause there is nothing there is nothing there in the first place.

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

Tanbo Art

This one comes straight out of a Wikipedia page and it's called Tanbo Art.

Apparently, the farmers in Japan has too much time too kill and have gotten a bit creative with their crops. The result is a whole field of rice being used as a canvas for humongous painting. They have been doing it since 2003 and the result was quite captivating.

Putting it in to perspective, those Nazca lines in Peru might have been the creation of some extremely bored Peruvian King and his gang of merry slaves.